Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bakemonogatari: Hitagi Crab 008

And the next day, the punch line.

My two sisters, Karen and Tsukihi, beat me awake as usual. My body felt sluggish. I forced myself out of bed. It seemed harder than usual. My muscles ached, like I had a fever. This wasn't like Hanekawa's incident; I hadn't done any grappling or running, so I hadn't done anything to strain my muscles, but each step hurt. I made it down the stairs, but nearly toppled down them instead. My mind was clear, and it wasn't flu season, so what was going on?

I thought about it, and an impossible idea tugged at my brain.

I took a turn into the bathroom.

And stepped onto the scale.

I weigh 55 kilos.

But the scale was pointing at 100.


Like he'd said...

Gods are pretty out of it.


  1. Found the link here on animesuki and I really like the translation here. It really flowed and it was pretty easy to follow (but that may have been from the lack of all the flashes of text). Thank you!

  2. The same as the last comment, it was a great read, thanks!

  3. It was a great read, thanks a lot! I sincerely hope you'll continue translating the other books :)
